
 Burgmuseum Clam

Burg Clam bei Grein
Sperken 1
A-4352 Klam


Tel: (0043) 7269/7217
Fax: (0043) 7269/72175 

E-Mail: museum(at)

please change "(at)" to "@" manually  


Inquiries about the concerts (tickets, directions, parking, allowed objects etc.) EXCLUSIVELY at:

Clam Castle
Clam Castle

Please note that we are fully booked on the following concert dates:

  • July 4th 2025: Clam Rock

How to get here


The Castle is located in Upper Austria roughly halfway between Vienna and Salzburg, just a few minutes from Grein on the River Danube.

Coming from Salzburg: (approx. 1.5 hours)

  • exit the A1 motorway in "Asten - St. Florian"
  • take the B1 to Mauthausen
  • after crossing the Danube take the B3 to Perg
  • approx. 10 minutes after passing Perg turn left in Baumgartenberg

Coming from Vienna: (approx. 1.5 hours)

  • exit the A1 motorway in Ybbs
  • drive through Ybbs and cross the Danube in Persenbeug
  • turn left after the crossing the Danube taking the B3 to Grein
  • approx. 5 minutes after Grein turn right in Saxen towards Klam / Burg Clam
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